Triple Espresso in Minneapolis
Todd Swank's Diary Entry for January 18, 2015
On Tuesday night, we had our Fantasy Football Awards Ceremony for Steve "Cuds" Cuddihy's league. It was a really bad year for me thanks to my wonderful selections of Adrian Peterson and Doug Martin, so the only award for me was "Loser of the Year". The night was going swimmingly when we were suddenly joined by former Minnesota Gopher and Minnesota North Star hockey player, Pat Micheletti. Pat had overheard me telling the guys about Luke's heart and liver evaluations when he shared with us that he is also dealing with some health challenges currently. He then told us who he was and that he's the current host of Wild fan line on KFAN. Steve is a Wild season ticket holder and said he listens to Pat every night on the drive home from games. Then we all joined hands and sang a little song together and went our separate ways.
On Friday night, we went to downtown Minneapolis to the MusicBox Theatre to see the highly caffeinated comedy, Triple Espresso.
I'd seen ads for the show for as long as I can remember, but never felt the need to go see it until 2015. Then I felt the need.
Whenever I feel the needs to do something different, I usually call Karl Zitzewitz. He likes to help me fill my needs.
Karl drags along his family and I drag along mine. The boys used to like being seen with us, but it seems lately they prefer to sit away from us and on their own. Not sure why that is.
I wasn't quite sure what to expect from the show, but was pleased to find that it was a very funny three man show that mixed comedy, music, magic, and acting to tell the story of a group of entertainers as they went from getting started in show business, rising to fame, eventually breaking up, and finally reuniting.
Since we sat in the front row, our group had plenty of opportunities to get picked on by the performers. Karl was even asked to go on stage and be part of the show! I wasn't supposed to take pictures during the performance, but couldn't miss getting a shot of this even if I had to sneak the camera out of my pocket. Karl ended up being a big hit with the audience and I'm expecting he will quit his career soon and move to LA to become an actor. That would be so cool.
Miss Sheri is always demanding to get her photo taken with the actors after shows like this, so I felt I'd better oblige.
I even followed suit and got my own picture taken with one of them so she wouldn't feel like she was alone in doing so. I'm such a good husband.
On Saturday, the temperatures climbed into the thirties so the boys and I put on our ski clothes and headed out to the lake to go make friends with the ice fisher people.
It was a big party out there. One of the ice fisher people told us the ice was about 15 inches which apparently is thick enough for everyone to drive their huge trucks out there now.
This guy was nice and told me the fish weren't biting very well. He said he and a group of his co-workers came out for the day and he was having a great time. Based on the hat he was wearing, I'm guessing this was the highlight of his weekend.
On Saturday night, we were joined by our good friends, Mark and Heidi Wojahn, for a night of debauchery.
Apparently the Wojahns mis-understood my invitation and said they didn't come prepared for a night of debauchery, so we decided to go in the hot tub instead. A good time was had by all!