A Confirmation Weekend at the Farm
Todd Swank's Diary Entry for October 28, 2018
Autumn has come with a vengeance and Miss Sheri has been busy all week dealing with dead leaves that have been carpeting our lawn. Thankfully she has a big tractor otherwise we'd need a lot of really good rakes.
We drove down to Iowa this weekend for a visit to the farm. The weather ended up being beautiful so we spent a lot of time outside.
I brought my drone down for the first time so had some fun walking around getting photos in different places. There's a lot of freedom to fly it here with not many obstacles.
Blue loves coming to the farm. So many interesting things to smell, although we have to be sure to watch him to make sure he isn't eating anything he isn't supposed to be eating. There's some nasty stuff lying around and that's what he's drawn to more than anything. The nastier the better.
It's fun to wander through the fields where there isn't a soul around for miles. It's a pretty peaceful feeling. I'm definitely coming here when the zombie apocalypse starts.
Miss Sheri and I went for a ride on the 4 wheeler and rustled up this owl. He wasn't very willing to pose for pictures even though we chased him for quite awhile. I kept thinking he might decide to be more friendly with us, but he just kept flying away every time we'd get close. One of these days I'm going to meet a nice owl.
The reason for our visit to the farm was to attend the Confirmation ceremony for our niece, Karli. It was a beautiful service in an incredible church. We were very happy to be part of the celebration.
We had a lot of fun spending a couple of nights with Miss Sheri's side of the family. Unfortunately the boys weren't able to join us this trip, but we had enough fun for the four of us.
We don't get to see her mom and brother as much as we'd like, so we make sure we fit in as much enjoyment as we can while we are together.
Blue discovered on this trip that he likes to put his head outside the window while we are driving. For some reason he's never shown much interest in doing this before, but maybe there was something interested he smelled this time. I'm sure it was something nasty.