Empty Nesters Again
Todd Swank's Diary Entry for November 6, 2022
Another milestone passed in our lives when our twin sons, Luke & Avery, moved out of our house for the first time since they graduated college in the Spring of 2021.
We're really impressed with their new house!
They're only moving about 10 miles away so I'm sure we'll still see them regularly. They're rooming with a couple of buddies from high school. They are fine young men from good families. I hope they all have the times of their lives. The last few years have been some of the strangest in my life and they all deserve to go back to some normalcy.
Will this be the last time they live with me?
I don’t know.
Who knows what the future will bring?
I’ve loved having them in my house every night they were there and would certainly welcome more opportunities. But sometimes in life, we go our separate paths. And that's a good thing.
It makes me sad and happy at the same time.
On Friday night, we went to Target Center to watch our favorite NBA team in action.
Avery was supposed to join me at the game, but was having more fun moving his stuff so he traded his ticket for one of Luke's games. So I had the honor of going to a game with Luke again.
The game was being televised on ESPN, so it didn't start until 9pm. We ended up arriving an hour and a half early. I was impressed when we walked in that Anthony Edwards was the lone player on the floor working out with one of his trainers. The kid knows how to work!
Giannis Antetokounmpo was in town with the undefeated Milwaukee Bucks. We knew we were in for a long night. Especially when I saw that half of the arena was filled with Bucks fans. I felt like I was at a Vikings Packers game and braced myself for the unpleasantness that was sure to follow. I just hoped the Wolves would be competitive and come out on fire.
I was glad we had all of our starters on the floor as there were some rumors that Rudy Gobert may have had to miss the game.
One thing I like to do is see if I can get my picture up on the big screen. You have to tweet your picture with the hashtag #PackPix and then they play a selected few at various breaks in the game. I've been able to get up there 2 of the 4 games I've attended! I don't have a lot of excitement in my life.
The game was kind of a bummer. The Wolves never really felt like they were in it. They did have a couple of rallies that were exciting, but the Bucks were shooting the lights out with the ball and Giannis ended up with a Triple Double. The home team lost the game 115 to 102. But, hey. At least we still have those Minnesota Vikings!
On Saturday night, we had our first official re-designation of being Empty Nesters Again and went out to celebrate with our good friends, Dan & Jen Walters. We always have a good time with them!