October 28, 2012

Halloween Party 2012

Halloween Party 2012
Todd Swank's Diary Entry for October 28, 2012

Luke and Avery are deep into working on building a robot for this year's middle school robotics program along with their teammates, Jackson and Thomas.  Progress is slow, but they're learning lots of good stuff along the way!

Monday night was the big game reveal at Prior Lake High School.  Apparently it's going to take a lot of balls to win this year's tournament!

On Saturday night, we went to a Halloween Party with our friends, Portia and Mike Vogt.  You'll never guess who we were supposed to be!

Miss Sheri thought she should try to be Mary Ann since she grew up on a farm.  We also discussed going as the Howells since we're so old.  In the end, though, I think she made a pretty good Ginger!

The party was a blast with all sorts of great costumes!

There were pirates there.

And Elves.

And nerds.

And even Hamsters!  Unfortunately, I'll never be able to recognize any of these people should I see them around Prior Lake.  But on one Saturday night in October, 2012, we were all pretty good little buddies!

The boys still don't know what they're going to be for Halloween this year, but Luke did find a box that just may work for him.  

October 21, 2012

Luke and Avery Go To Washington DC

This week, Luke and Avery went to Washington DC with their 8th grade class at Hidden Oaks Middle School in Prior Lake.   We dropped them off at the airport at 3:30am on Wednesday and picked them up at Midnight on Saturday night.  We traded some texts and some phone calls while they were there, but they didn't say much about their trip.  When they came home, they were so tired, they didn't talk about it much either.  I pulled off  about 300 photos from their iPods that proves to me they were there, but they still haven't said much of what they did.  So I'm just posting some of my favorites of their pictures, without saying anything about them.  Because your guess of what is happening or where they're at is just as good as mine is.

Dave Borgman lost 259 pounds!!

Dave Borgman lost 259 pounds!!
Todd Swank's Diary Entry for October 21, 2012

This is my friend and co-worker, Dave Borgman.  I've been wanting to write about Dave on my website for quite awhile, but wanted to wait for the appropriate moment.  Well, Dave had a party to celebrate his incredible weight loss last night, so I figured no better time than the present.  Dave started doing Weight Watchers in January of 2011 when he weighed 456 pounds.  You can read the details of his journey here.  As of yesterday, Dave has lost a whopping 259 pounds!!  You can see before and after photos in his gallery on his website.  Dave used to always bust my chops for wanting to take his picture at our Nor-Tech Christmas Parties, but now that he's lost so much weight, he's very happy that he has some of those pictures to use for comparison.  So the moral of the story is: If I want to take your picture, you should let me.

Dave had a big party last night to celebrate his achievement and a bunch of his friends, family, and co-workers were there.  There's no better way to celebrate weight loss than with a party where everyone drinks and gorges themselves on the menu at Grumpy's in Roseville!

We even had the chance to see our friends, the Cuddihys.  We get together about once every year so we can spend an hour talking to each other about how we should get together more often, then we leave, and wait another year to get together again.

October 18, 2012

Argo is a great movie!

Argo is a great movie!  I'm sure glad I wasn't in Iran during the Hostage Crisis!