Halloween Party 2012
Todd Swank's Diary Entry for October 28, 2012
Luke and Avery are deep into working on building a robot for this year's middle school robotics program along with their teammates, Jackson and Thomas. Progress is slow, but they're learning lots of good stuff along the way!
Monday night was the big game reveal at Prior Lake High School. Apparently it's going to take a lot of balls to win this year's tournament!
On Saturday night, we went to a Halloween Party with our friends, Portia and Mike Vogt. You'll never guess who we were supposed to be!
Miss Sheri thought she should try to be Mary Ann since she grew up on a farm. We also discussed going as the Howells since we're so old. In the end, though, I think she made a pretty good Ginger!
The party was a blast with all sorts of great costumes!
There were pirates there.
And Elves.
And nerds.
And even Hamsters! Unfortunately, I'll never be able to recognize any of these people should I see them around Prior Lake. But on one Saturday night in October, 2012, we were all pretty good little buddies!
The boys still don't know what they're going to be for Halloween this year, but Luke did find a box that just may work for him.