Prior Lake's First Blizzard of 2018
Todd Swank's Diary Entry for January 28, 2018
I left work early on Monday because it started snowing really bad in Minnesota and I didn't want to get stuck in Downtown Minneapolis. I'm glad I did because the roads were already pretty bad by 2PM and we had nearly another 10 hours of hard snow that followed.
Blue is getting pretty sick of winter. He loves the snow and the cold but doesn't love the fact that we don't want to come outside and play with him in it. Poor dog.
We ended up getting about 16.5 inches of snow in a 12 hour period which looks lovely, but makes driving a pretty crazy experience.
My awesome wife takes pretty good care of me and makes sure the driveway is clear for me to navigate. I would have ended up stuck for certain had she not been prepared for me to get home.
The wind was blowing at our house during the storm, so there was a pretty good overhang. You don't want to be underneath this when it starts melting unless you like getting buried.
Luke texted us a picture of his car in Mankato. They got wacked pretty hard as well.
Downtown Minneapolis is all geared up for the Super Bowl festivities this week. Going to work is going to be interesting because I'm sure it's going to be a Zoo every day down there.
On Friday, we had a visitor. He was trying to climb up our window to get to a bird feeder we have stuck on there and created quite a ruckus in the process.
It was fun watching him relentlessly trying to climb up the window, especially since we have our albino squirrel collection right next to it.
Either he couldn't see us watching him or didn't care. He really wanted to get in that bird feeder!
Blue enjoyed rooting him on in his pursuit, but was probably secretly pleased that he never accomplished his goal to get into the bird feeder. Blue can be kind of mean like that.
Krazy Kory came to town on Saturday to spend the evening with us and enjoy our snow. He said Des Moines doesn't have any of it and he was in the mood to play in it for awhile. He's kind of weird like that.
Luke also came home for the weekend and the 4 of us had a pleasant evening together hanging out. So how was your week?