Thanksgiving 2018 at the Farm
Todd Swank's Diary Entry for November 25, 2018
We celebrated Thanksgiving early with my mom and Mike since our plans were to spend the holiday at the farm this year. We had a nice time eating our pre-Thanksgiving roast together.
The boys both came home from college which is always my favorite part of the holidays any more. We have such a good time together.
It turned out to be a pretty chilly Thanksgiving as our temperatures have been in the twenties the past couple of weeks. The lake is getting close to be frozen, but you sure wouldn't want to be out there walking on it yet. Even if it does look like there's some pretty clear walking paths out there.
On Wednesday night we headed to the farm to hang out with cousin Joey and family. It's always good to see these guys.
Sunny loves going to the farm because it means we go on all sorts of interesting walks and he gets to chase the kitties. He goes crazy just hearing that word. I'm sure the farm cats absolutely hate when they see our car pull-up because they know they are going to be hunted for a few days by a big slobbering beast.
For the second visit in a row, we spotted an owl while out on one of our walks. This guy flew right in front of us after the dog ran near his tree. We stalked him and was able to capture this picture from a distance.
We tried to get closer to him to capture a better picture, but he was way too smart for us and took off long before we could get close. I don't know why these dang owls won't pose for us.
We had a wonderful Thankgiving dinner with Miss Sheri's family. It was very festive and we spent a couple of long nights bonding while playing cards. We create good memories on the farm.
We came home Saturday night and had an unusual discovery on Sunday morning when we discovered this fish laying in the middle of our deck. Our best guess is that an eagle or hawk caught him in the lake across the street, was flying over our house, and dropped him for some reason. Either that or one of our neighbors is trying to send us a very strange form of message. Who knows?
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