July 26, 2020

50 Years On This Earth

50 Years On This Earth
Todd Swank's Diary Entry for July 26, 2020

My twins, Luke & Avery, celebrated their 21st birthday last week and I celebrated my 50th birthday this week.  Which ended up being perfect timing because it allowed them to surprise me with some of my favorite IPA and a shot of Fireball.  I think I'm going to really enjoy them being of legal age.  

We'd planned on spending our special birthdays in Las Vegas, but Covid caused us to scrap those plans a couple of weeks ago.  A close second to Vegas was spending the night with Grandma Linda at Whiskey Inferno in Savage, Minnesota and enjoying the Butcher's Feast!  

Grandma Linda can never get enough meat in her life.  It's always been her weakness.

Miss Sheri and I take a daily 2 mile walk and we always walk over this bridge.  Often times, we see a lone egret sitting in this creek and fishing.  We have a lot of egret around us, so that's not particularly surprising.  What I do find unusual about it, though, is I never see more than one egret down there.   So is this the same one we see every time or are there different ones?  If it's the same one, does he consider this his special place and doesn't tell his buddies about it because he wants to keep all the fish to himself?  I gotta be honest.  If that is the case, I'm a little disappointed in him.  Just seems kind of selfish to me.

It wasn't all birds and birthdays this week, though.  We also pulled out the boat and had some buddies on the tube.  It was a blast.

We met up with Josh & Jenni's parents, John & Eileen, in Candy Cove and tied up for awhile.  We hadn't seen them since the quarantine started so it was great to catch up with them and float.

 Our good friend, Grace, celebrated her graduation from high school this week.  We all know how tough 2020 has been on high school seniors, so we were happy for her that she was finally able to celebrate.  We wish her the best in her next phase of life!


  1. Happy Birthday Todd, sounds like great happenings in this uncertain time, and no dimming of smiles in your clan, good things!

  2. Happy Birthday Todd~! Love the plethora of smiles that abound.
