July 11, 2021

2021 Lakefront Music Fest


2021 Lakefront Music Fest
Todd Swank's Diary Entry for July 11, 2021

We had a great 4th of July weekend doing our favorite things.  Hanging out with friends on the water.  On Saturday, our old buddy, Ted Fristad, and Marcia picked us up on their Pontoon boat to go cruising around Prior Lake.

On Sunday, we spent the day on the St. Croix River on the Zitewitz's boat along with the Browns.  That's always a good time!

Playing on the river all day is one of my favorite ways of showing my patriotism.  I believe the Founding Fathers would have agreed with me.

When we came home from the river that night, we were surprised to find that one of our big trees dropped some massive branches on our deck and fence.  So that was a fun discovery.

For the rest of the week we had men with big machines rolling around our yard getting rid of 2 of our big trees.

On Friday night, we connected with Jen & Dan Walters to venture into Lakefront Park near Downtown Prior Lake.

We were there for Rock & Roll night at Prior Lake's Lakefront Music Fest.  It was our first concert in 2 years and we were ready to do some Head Banging!

Judging by the size of the crowd in attendance, I don't think we were the only ones feeling this way!

It was so good to be out in the community seeing old friends again.  Our old pal, Jimmy Gilbertson, had a booth to hawk his wares and gave us some can coozies to keep our beer warm.  Or cold.  I think it's supposed to keep them cold.  In any case, we really appreciated the gifts.

.38 Special kicked off the show and we were ready to go!

I must be getting old because normally I'd be diving into the crowd and trying to work my way to the front of the stage to get as close to the bands as possible.  This year I  found myself to be pretty content to just sit in my chair and listen to the music.  Miss Sheri was kind enough to venture into the crowd and grab most of these photos.

It was great seeing these classic bands playing many of our old favorites.  .38 Special had us singing along to tunes like Hold on Loosely & Caught up in You.   

When Miss Sheri and I first starting dating back in 1991, the first concert we went to was Cheap Trick.  It was kind of surreal seeing them 30 years later, but they pretty much sounded the same even if they looked quite a bit older than last time.

We ended up sitting with a bunch of friends so that was pretty cool.  It's always good to Jam Out with people you like to Jam Out with.

Cheap Trick played a bunch of songs I hadn't heard before which I'm assuming is their new stuff they're trying to sell.  They brought the crowd back in a big way when they ended their set with classics like Dream Police and I Want You To Want Me.  Everybody was singing along and the whole park was becoming pretty electric.

Styx was the main event and they rocked us into the night time.

They stayed pretty focus on their classic songs and had us all going crazy with classic like Too Much Time on my Hands, Come Sail Away, and Mr. Roboto.  It must be fun to be these guys and still have such large followings all over the world many decades after they became famous.  

My TikTok Video of the Week


15 seconds of golf. ##15seconds ##golf ##swing

♬ #15secondsposes - Trending hashtag

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