August 8, 2021

Fish Lake in Clearwater, Minnesota


Fish Lake in Clearwater, Minnesota

Todd Swank's Diary Entry for August 8, 2021

We spent the weekend on Fish Lake in Clearwater, Minnesota with our good friends, The Korkowski Family.  

Sue grew up in a family with eight brothers & sisters and they have all been coming here since they were young.  Sue & Ron were kind enough to host our family and we had a wonderful time with them and their extended family.

I must admit I did get a little nervous when I thought there might be some Voodoo stuff going on around here, but I'm pretty sure it was decorative.  At least they didn't ask me to put on a grass skirt and dance around the campfire or anything.

I did get the opportunity to finally break out my Ninja disguise which I've kept hidden for quite awhile.  I mostly use it for sneaking around at night while fighting crime, but I thought this would be an opportunity to share  my alter identity with good friends.

Normally people shudder in fear when they see me dressed up like this, but they were all pretty relaxed after I revealed myself.  I must admit, I wasn't showing my dangerous moves or anything because I really didn't want to scare anybody.

Blue was in heaven spending so much time at the cabin.  He is ecstatic to be able to jump in the lake whenever he wants.  The people he rubbed up against shortly afterwards were not quite as happy as he was, but wet dogs tend to have that effect on folks.

We spent a lot of time playing and relaxing in a variety of ways.  Luke was ready to do some high diving, but we warned him that we should probably pull the raft out into deeper water before he made his first attempt.

We had the chance to play a game that was new to us.  I don't know the actual name of it but it was basically a mixture of volleyball and 4 Square.  It was a ton of fun!  Even if I didn't get to spend much time in the king square, I think they all felt the power of my game by the end.

We have hummingbirds at home, but I never seem to be able to catch photos of them.  They always fly away before I can get out the camera.  However they had a ton of them here and they didn't seem to be afraid of me standing nearby snapping pictures.  Next time I'm going to actually capture a shot of their wings as well.

We saw a pair of loons on the lake during one of our rides which is always a thrill.  It brought us to make a lot of references to the movie, On Golden Pond.  The Loons, Norman.  The Loons!

In the end, we had a lot of great times connecting as friends and family, playing games, enjoying the lake, and having lots of laughs.  All in all, another pretty good weekend.

It may be the dog days of summer, but we're still ready to rock!

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