July 14, 2024

Lakefront Music Festival 15 in Prior Lake


Lakefront Music Festival 15 in Prior Lake

Todd Swank's Diary Entry for July 14, 2024

It's outdoor music festival season in Minnesota.  Wednesday night brought us to Rhythm on the Rails in Shakopee.  Krazy Kory was in town for the evening and we connected with Tom & Kellie and Eric & Deanne.  Subsequently a good time was had by all. 

Kory wanted to go near the band to get a photo and on our way through the crowd, we bumped into Troy and Rhonda Brown.  I felt quite fortuitous for the encounter!

Thursday night gave us the opportunity to go on a boat ride with Heidi and Lisa.  We tootled around the lake and spent the evening laughing and catching up on each other's lives.  It was a pleasant experience and best of all, nobody pushed me overboard for being obnoxious.  That's a big achievement for me.  

The water level on Prior Lake has risen more than 3 feet over the past couple of months so we're finally able to get into Mud Bay again to see Bird Island.  I was happy to see that even though we haven't been able to visit our feathered friends for about a year, they're still living together in happiness.  Although there seems to be quite a bit more poop on the leaves than there used to be. 

 Friday night brought us to Lakefront Park in Prior Lake for the 15th annual Lakefront Music Fest.  I can't remember how many of these we've attended, but my best guess would be 13.  The lineup was a good one with Bachman Turner Overdrive opening up the evening with many of their favorite hits.  They were Takin' Care of Business if you want my opinion.

We spotted our old friend, Chris Barragy, in the crowd.  He was there on official duty as one of the event photographers.  There's an old wives tale that it's good luck whenever you see a Barragy outside of Clear Lake, Iowa so I'm looking forward to my coming good fortune.

We bumped into many friends including Sue and Roberta.  We normally see each other at competitive Euchre matches so this was a nice change of pace.  And I wasn't losing any money like I normally do when I see them.

Berlin was the next performer.  I must be honest and say I didn't really remember her from my youth although her name did sound familiar.  I thought her full name was East Berlin or West Berlin or something like that, but not positive.  She really Took My Breath Away when she sang her final song about Tom Cruise.

Miss Sheri and I like singing together during concerts but I'm not sure if the people around us enjoy it as much as we do.

Eventually the sun went down and it was time for the headliner to appear.  I didn't notice the guys I was standing in front of when taking this picture, but later noticed they didn't look all that thrilled that I was standing there.

Eventually Pat Benatar came on stage with her husband Neil Giraldo and they were ready to rock!

They sang several songs I didn't recognize, but ended the evening with a bunch of her greatest hits.  Apparently she no longer sings Hit me with your Best Shot to protest gun violence, so Miss Sheri sang it for me on the drive home instead.  She's nice like that.

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