2016 Easter at the Farm
Todd Swank's Diary Entry for March 27, 2016
We thought when the ice went out a couple of weeks ago that meant that winter was over. Then on Wednesday night we had 10 inches of snow dumped on our heads. What's up with that?
On Saturday, we shoved the boys and the dogs in the back seat and drove to the farm for Easter.
There's a lot of windmills in Minnesota and Iowa any more. Trains also.
Miss Sheri's mom and brother were excited to see us and we were excited to see them.
The dogs were excited for some farm freedom so they could run wild and eat gross stuff they found in the yards.
Easter morning came and we were excited to have the chance to spend the day with Grandma Leona.
We headed over to Uncle Jerry's and Aunt Laura's for an Easter Feast. We like to call it Feaster.
I was excited because I didn't have to sit at the kid's table this year.
We had a great time celebrating the holiday with good friends and family. Happy Easter to all!!
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