May 9, 2021

Congratulations to my Graduates


Congratulations to my Graduates
Todd Swank's Diary Entry for May 9, 2021

I can't believe how fast time flies.  It feels like my twin sons, Luke & Avery, just graduated high school.  

 But the calendar can't be stopped and we had the joy of attending both of their college graduation ceremonies this week.

Luke graduated from Minnesota State University in Mankato with a Bachelor of Science degree in Finance and a minor in Marketing.

Avery graduated from the University of Minnesota in Minneapolis with a Bachelor of Science degree in Computer Science and a minor in Mathematics.  We are very proud of both of them and we really hope they have good luck finding jobs with their newly earned degrees!

We had the opportunity to meet up with Luke's roommate's, Andy & Jackson, before his ceremony.  It's always good to see these fellows.

  On Friday night, we went out with our buddy, Dan Walters.  We actually went to a bar that had a live band playing.  I think that's a first for us in quite awhile.  It was fun, even if they did only play a few songs before wrapping up for the evening.  I guess that's what we get for waiting so late to go out at night.

We had a campfire at Dan's house earlier and this little guy snuck up on us before taking off like a rocket after I chased him to get this photo.  I can remember a time in my life not that many years ago where I had never seen a wild turkey.  Now we see them everywhere.  Not sure what happened for their population to explode so much, but I'm starting to think our country can support two Thanksgivings.

Luke & Avery came home on Sunday to celebrate Mother's Day with their mama.  Blue was more than happy to join in for the party.

As is our usual practice, we spent most of our time turtle hunting.  We had pretty good luck especially after we started blaring "Bunny Hop" music outside of the boat.

 This guy wanted to get in on the train, but his partner jumped off the log right as we pulled up.  She's just a little shy I guess.

We ended Mother's Day by picking up Grandma Linda and headed on over to the Olive Garden.  We like celebrating our mamas by stuffing ourselves with a little pasta and red sauce.  Happy Mother's Day to all you wonderful ladies out there!!