Memorial Day Weekend 2022
Todd Swank's Diary Entry for May 30, 2022
We had a pleasant visit this week with Grandma Linda when she stopped by to show off her new car for us. Hard to believe a little lady can handle such a huge machine like this, but she seems to be able to get around with it pretty good.
We had a surprise encounter with this little fox during our walk this week. I feel like we saw this guy last year because I remember wondering why his eyes were closed like this. Or is that just a thing with foxes?
We also saw our first pair of sandhill crane this week. These birds normally fly south for the winter so it's good to see we're warming up enough for them to decide to come back. Next year I'm going with them.
We bumped into our good friends, Jen & Dan Walters, as they cruised around town with some of their old buddies from Florida, Sherry and Karen. We've met them on previous visits so we asked if we could get together and shake a leg this weekend. Happily for us they said Yes.
We invited them over for a boat ride on Saturday morning. The water is still too cold for a swim, but we had fun cruising around to some of our favorite sights.
Prior Lake has been as shallow as I've ever seen it this spring, but we pushed through to Mud Bay in order to get a peek at our favorite breeding tree. We almost got stuck in the weeds a few times, but it was worth it to get to visit our bird friends.
I was kind of thinking with all the inflation we're seeing this year, that some of these guys would take a pause on having a family but they seemed to be as reproductive as ever. I guess it's as they say, there's never a good time, so it's always a good time.
On Sunday, I hooked up with my pal, Orlando Mazzolini. He told me he wanted to take me to a place where I could Sleep with the Fishes, but honestly I just wasn't that tired.
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