Prior Lake VEX Robotics Tournament 2015
Todd Swank's Diary Entry for December 20, 2015
On Saturday, we spent the day at the Prior Lake Middle School Vex Robotics Tournament. The boys' high school team sponsors and runs the tournament so we went with them to pitch in a hand.
Our good friends, Dan & Jen Walters, along with the team's head coach, Mike Lins, did most of the heavy lifting for the middle school program this year. I think I heard that 85 kids participated and it looked like everyone had a great time. Even me.
Our robotics program is so big, it has it's own band!
And we just love to cheer on our own personal Little Drummer Boy. He hates it when I call him that.
Avery helped with the tournament scoring.
While Luke helped with the queuing and getting the teams ready for their next matches.
On Saturday night we connected with a bunch of good friends to say Good Bye to NYE's Polonase Room in downtown Minneapolis. It's supposed to be closing down one of these days after being in business for more than 65 years. The food was still great, even though I'm guessing they're starting to throw in all of the old stuff that has always been shoved way back in the freezer.
Afterwards, we headed to Tony Jaro's to try some of their famous Greenies. I don't know what the heck is in those things, but they sure were tasty!
On Sunday, we finally found the time to go see the new Star Wars. No spoilers from me for those of you who haven't seen it, but I will say it was amazing and definitely worth the wait. One Big Thumb Up from me!
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