December 23, 2023

The Swank Family 2023 Christmas Card


Merry Christmas from our computer to yours! 

Our journey through 2023 has been filled with laughs, love, and a few surprises along the way.  Think of it as a sitcom, but you can't change the channel. 

This February, Todd and Sheri will toast to 30 years of marriage.   Sheri's been with Todd for 30 years—she's officially qualified for sainthood now.  She says the secret is simple: agree with Todd, then do whatever you were going to do anyways. 

Todd's still rocking it at Oracle, selling Cloud & Artificial Intelligence solutions helping to get us all one step closer to our robot overlords.
  Because nothing says job security like training the AI that’ll replace you.   Sheri's evolved into a tech guru when dealing with Todd; emails are her megaphone in a world where screens have stolen his ears.  Those notification dings have real power.

We’re empty nesters once more, but our birds keep flying back to the nest from time to time.
  Must be the homing instinct.  Luke left US Bank this year to become an accountant at a company called Cyber Power Systems.  Luke switched from banking to accounting, because he prefers his numbers without a side of customer complaints.  Luke’s in a new house with some of his buddies, splurged on a 2023 Nissan Sentra, and has a savings account that says, 'I’m adulting harder than you'.  It would be a smooth move to have your daughters, nieces, or cousins give him a swipe on Bumble.

Avery continues his software engineering role at Rocket Mortgage.
  He now shares a home with his amazing girlfriend Abby, a  flight attendant from Atlanta.   They live in Eagan near the airport which probably makes sense.  With Abby, Avery's love life has really taken off—literally. They've visited more cities than are on a geography quiz!   Our golden retriever, Blue, misses his brothers and hates winter because he doesn’t get as many walks.  Blue's coping with it by judging us from the couch and perfecting his sad eyes. He's got that 'longing for summer' look down pat.

2023 wasn't without its challenges, health-wise for our family.
  We have some battles yet ahead of us.    We've learned to hold our loved ones close and do everything we can to live each day to its fullest.   Life is precious.  We do our best to discover new experiences, go to new places, treat everyone we can with respect and kindness, and try to continuously connect and laugh with good people.  That’s our formula for happiness.

For 2024, our goals are high.  We’re going to use ChatGPT to create
a script for a movie about our family. If it’s too accurate, we might just have to sue ourselves for invasion of privacy.

From our family to yours, we wish you a holiday season filled with joy and a new year brimming with blessings.

The Swank Family


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